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Calvinism? Which Teachers Are Biblical? And "Savior" vs "Saviour" in the KJV? |
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From: _____ Sent: 2/24/2005 2:14:14 PM To: crm@____ Subject: question Dear Cobblestone Road Ministries Do you have a list of who of the old time preachers (eighteen hundreds, early ninteen hundreds) that was Calvinists so I can avoid their writings? I mean Calvinism is totally satanic, it's as much counterfeit christianity as it's mother Roman Catholicism/Babylon (Confusion). And as her sisters Lutheranism and the rest born in the "reformation". I'd appreciate a list, as far as I am aware, Spurgeon was one, Pink was one, D.L. Moody as well. Frankly it seems the most popular "old time preachers" were a bunch of Calvinists. Thanks for a nice site, but i have one thing to criticize. Your write Savior while Gods word spell the word: Saviour. See the difference? Savior is 6 letters... Saviour is 7 letters... All modern perversions that some dare to call "bibles" all use the spelling savior and as far I'm aware the first person to use the spelling Savior was the mother of the New Age movement H.P. Blavatsky because she didn't want to mix up her savior Satan Lucifer with the true saviour Lord Jesus Christ. Take care and may God bless Cobblestone Road Ministries. _______signed __________________________________________________________________________ From: Cobblestone Road To:_________.com Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 14:36 Subject: Re: question Dear _____, Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus! Welcome to our site. We completely agree with your statements on Calvinism. Amen! To answer your question, there are simply too many Calvinists to list them all-- just because something is old does not necessarily make it better. There is so much error found in many of the old time writings-- for the very reason that they had broken away from Catholicism but not completely. Some of the "old time" teachers from the 1800 and 1900's we endorse are listed below. Some of these wonderful teachers have passed away to be with Jesus but their teaching is biblical and edifying. You may access other wonderful ministries on our Christian Links Page. John R. Rice - was a great fundamental teacher of the Word H.A. Ironside- excellent expositor of God's Word A.C. Gaebelein - excellent teacher of Bible prophecy J. Vernon McGee- excellent expositor (though sometimes will use a different translation- but still stays true to Christian doctrine.) Howard C. Estep- Bible prophecy expert G. Christian Weiss- excellent books on Christian growth Also: Henry M. Morris- Creationist expert Dave Hunt- Excellent author--has a free monthly periodical-- Excellent books on various topics...such as Calvinism, Catholicism, etc. (Please note, that we may not agree with everything they have written but we consider their teaching overall to be very Biblically sound.) D.L. Moody was a modified Calvinist and was not into hyper-Calvinism. He was very much a soul winner and his teaching resided in the middle...he believed in free will to a certain extent. It was Noah Webster who changed the Old English word of "Saviour" into "Savior". Webster's 1828 Dictionary is as follows: SAVIOR, n. savyur. One that saves or preserves; but properly applied only to Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, who has opened the way to everlasting salvation by his obedience and death, and who is therefore called the Savior, by way of distinction, the Savior of men, the Savior of the world. ...Regarding the "Savior" vs. "Saviour". We believe the spelling and has nothing to do with the meaning. Our Savior is the One who came down from glory-- The Second Person of the Trinity-- The Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us, rose again, and intercedes as High Priest at the Right Hand of the Father. It does not matter how you spell Savior-- what truly matters is that Jesus saves and many people do not believe in the correct Jesus of the Bible and that should be our concern, as soul winners. There are many "Jesus's" out there but there is only one biblical Jesus, found in the Bible-- the one and true Savior. The Lord Jesus must be lifted up-- in every language-- the name of Jesus is most important. Acts 4:12 "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. " "Savior" in other languages is spelled out with 6 letters, 9 letters, 10 letters, etc. and the amount of letters, in no way, negates or takes away from the meaning. The meaning of the word is the same. The actual Greek word (from which the KJV is translated) does not have seven letters for the word "Saviour"-- so such a notion of changing the amount of letters alters the meaning-- modern English vs. Elizabethan English has no validity. The word for Savior in Polish is "Zbawiciela"...notice that it has 10 letters. Whether 10 or 7 or 5 letters...Savior means the same to those who KNOW the Lord Jesus Christ for He alone has saved us. We must be careful not to get caught up in unbiblical disputations but rather must earnestly contend for the faith. We use and endorse ONLY THE KJV because it stays true to the original text and not because of the Elizabethan English. Old English spelling may be different than modern English but the pure translation of the inspired text- Textus Receptus and the Masoretic Hebrew Text- is what is important. We, at CRM, reside in America and we use the American spelling of words to write our articles. We would not want to cause confusion or be a stumbling block by misspelling words for our readers. We pray this answer will be helpful. Thank you for writing to us and sharing your thoughts. You are invited to stop by and visit us again. We are always adding new material to the site. If you have any further questions, please feel free to write to us again. May the Lord richly bless you as you serve Him in all that you do. In Christ Jesus, Cobblestone Road Ministries Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Copyright © 2005 Cobblestone Road Ministries. All rights reserved. Please note: To save time, we gave a short list. Those teachers listed above are just a few that we feel present theology and biblical exposition in a concise manner. There are many excellent teachers, preachers and expositors whom we did not have the time to list. Articles Of Interest: Spurgeon and Calvinism- The debate rages on but should it? Why the King James Bible? "I Have A Personal Relationship With God..." LOOKING TO JESUS by R.A. Torrey THE GREATEST TEXT IN THE BIBLE - JOHN 3:16 by Harry Ironside THE WORK OF CHRIST: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE by A.C. Gaebelein |