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so. We do not hope to get eternal life, to have our sins forgiven but we KNOW
that we possess salvation, we have eternal life, and we have the forgiveness of
sins according to the riches of His grace. These are present possessions as well
as SURE possessions, bestowed upon us, by the Grace of God. And equally
does the Word of God assure those who are Christ's that His love and His
power will keep them. We often wander from Him. His love continues
undiminished; it is not affected by our stumbling walk, by our waywardness.
He calls for our return as He called Israel and assures us that there is healing
for all our backsliding. "I will heal your backsliding; I will love you freely."

1John 1:9  
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

If anything has come between us and the Lord, we are to come at once to Him
and tell Him all about it. His love will welcome us back-- this is the TRUE
WALK in the Light. We must bring all in His presence and thus be restored. His
power will carry us on and to the end, till at last He will present us faultless
before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. Jude 24

The Church, which He loved, for which He gave Himself, which He purchased
with His blood, will He present to Himself, "a glorious church" not having spot
or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.
(Ephesians 5:27).
It is all His work and every sinner who trusted in Him and
belongs therefore to Him is included in all this
. Well may we then be
assured that He will do what He has promised. We can rest in His love and trust
in His power. And the little life which we have to spend down here is also
His keeping.
He knows all about us. He has assured us that all things must
work together for good. Nothing that can really hurt us will He ever permit to
come into our lives.

This is peace; this is comfort. And in this peace and comfort--the peace and
comfort, which flows from trust in Him and in His Word, we are to walk
As we enjoy these assurances, the assurances of Grace,
that Grace will be the
power for a separated life, a life lived in blessed nearness to Himself.
then we learn daily our
dependence on Him. Oh! How we need Him more and
more! How could we ever do without Him! Closer to Him! Closer to Him!

"There is no condemnation, there is no hell for me,
The torment and the fire my eyes shall never see;
For me there is no sentence, for me has death no sting,
Because the Lord who loves me shall shield me with His wing.

Above my soul's dark waters, His Spirit hovers still,
He guards me from all sorrows, from terror and from ill,
In me He works and blesses the life-seed He has sown,
From Him I learn the "Abba"-- that prayer of faith alone.

And if in lonely places, a fearful child, I shrink,
He prays the prayers within me I cannot ask or think;
The deep unspoken known only to that love,
Which fathoms the heart's mystery from the Throne of light above.

His Spirit to my spirit sweet words of comfort saith,
How God the weak one strengthens, who leans on Him in faith:
How He hath built a city of love and light and song,
Where the eye at last beholdeth what the heart had loved so long.

Thus while I journey on, my Lord to meet,
My thoughts and meditations are so sweet
Of Him on whom I lean, my strength, my stay,
That I forget the sorrows of the way."

Taken from Our Hope Magazine, year 1922
Modified by Cobblestone Road Ministries

Further Reading:
I AM The Vine
Jesus Died For Us
The Pilgrim's Path - Following the Lord Jesus
Be Encouraged Today... Even In Your Storms
Dead with Christ, Risen with Christ
Living According to God's Word -- Not according to The World
The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
A Just God and Savior
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