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John 1:16  And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.

The reference is, of course, to our blessed Lord. The statement follows a
testimony that John the Baptist gave concerning the Saviour:
"This was he of
whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was
before me;"
and is an expression of thanksgiving and praise for the fulness of
God's mercy manifested in the gift of the Logos, the Word, His Son and our
Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Of the fulness of the Son all have received, that is all who have put their trust in
Him, and "grace for grace," or "grace upon grace." First of all, that God sent His
Son into the world is grace upon grace in this respect; the law, with its provision
for the covering of sins through the sacrifices prescribed by Jehovah, was grace.
No man was ever saved in the Old Testament times, neither can any man be
saved now, apart from grace. The Law revealed the sinfulness of man, but its
precepts did not save any man. Righteousness before God can come only by
grace through faith, and the divine provision of the lamb of old was grace, pure
grace and nothing else. The sinner deserves judgment. Divine grace accepts a
substitute. So, then, the coming of the Son of God to the earth as God's Lamb,
to take away the sin of the world, was indeed grace. It was grace upon grace.
Grace had been exhibited by God before Christ came. It was more fully and
perfectly exhibited by God in the Person and work of the God-Man, the
Redeemer, the Anointed-- our Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace upon grace suggests also that we, who are the Lord's, are infilled with the
grace that has been poured out upon Christ Himself. We have received of His
fulness, and grace upon grace. God the Father has communicated to Him, the
God-Man, grace abounding, and He has passed along to His own that grace. He
"full of grace and truth" (John 1:14); "And of his fulness have all we
received, and grace for grace"
-- His grace bequeathed to us.

Grace upon grace suggests again the great truth that, in addition to the fact that
our salvation is by grace, we experience God's grace beyond measure year after
year during our earthly lives, and its fullest bestowal when, in our resurrected
and glorified bodies, we shall be with and like the Lord. Indeed, there is second
blessing! But there is third blessing also, and fourth blessing, and hundredth
blessing, and thousandth blessing, and grace follows after grace in God's dealing
with us. Fresh grace constantly and abundantly flows down to us day by day,
and year by year, through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Source of this grace is
never failing, and the supply is never ending.

Of this grace upon grace Chrysostom declared: "The sea is diminished if you
take a drop from it, though the diminution be imperceptible; but how much
soever a man draw from this Fountain, it continues undiminished." There is no
end to the grace of God for those who will receive it.

John 1:14,16  "
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we
beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace
and truth... And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace."

Taken from Our Hope Magazine, 1949.
Transcribed  and modified for the web by Cobblestone Road Ministries

If you do not know the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior, you can know
Him today and have all of your sins forgiven. Please read
the free gift of
salvation through Jesus Christ.

Further Reading:
Dead with Christ, Risen with Christ
Living According to God's Word -- Not according to The World
In Him - The Fulness of God
In Him - The Treasures Of Wisdom and Knowledge
Law and Grace by CI Scofield
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John 1:16
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