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Colossians 2:3 In Whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

The Apostle warned the Colossians to beware of philosophy and the traditions
of men. Some false teachers had come amongst with a show of learning. These
Colossians evidently were not so much troubled with "the lust of the flesh" as
they were with the "lust of the mind." These false teachers promised them
through philosophy, perhaps also through occult things, by intruding into the
unseen things (Colossians 2:18), a better and higher knowledge, than that which
God has revealed in His Word.  Therefore the Apostle told them in his inspired
that there is a mystery of God, and in that mystery of God there is
hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. And what is the
mystery of God? It is CHRIST!

In Him are deposited all the treasurers of wisdom and knowledge. The highest
wisdom and knowledge a human soul can receive is the Lord Jesus Christ. In
Him are treasures of knowledge which are unsearchable. We know Him; we
have enjoyed some of the unsearchable riches, but there is always more to
follow. He can never be exhausted. Some day all the wisdom and knowledge of
man will pass away. It will be forever gone, that in which the finite mind of man
boasted and gloried in. But then the Saints of God will but begin to find out the
eternal treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Him, who is the mystery of God.

Do you realize every day, oh child of God, that
your greatest need is to know
Christ more
, the mystery of God? This is the key to a true Christian life, a
life of peace and joy, a life of service-- to know Him and to find in Him
the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Not in our experience, not in
anything else, but in Him.

Our Hope Magazine, Volume 28, year 1922.

Further Reading:
Dead with Christ, Risen with Christ
In Him - The Fulness of God
The Importance of Daily Living by C.A. Coates
Living According to God's Word -- Not according to The World
In Christ Jesus - By F.W. Grant
Running The Christian Race
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