The Importance Of Studying
The Book Of Romans
CRM Editor's Note: The Doctrine of Justification By Faith is one of the most important
doctrinal TRUTHS a Christian can learn. It is taught in the Book of Romans.  Unfortunately many
Christians (and even some pastors) lack this knowledge and still strive to live "under the Law." The
Holy Spirit, penned through the Apostle Paul, the Epistle to the Romans. In it we learn the
foundational truth of justification by faith.

Let us read Dr. A.C. Gaebelein's opening commentary on Romans:

The Gospel he [the Apostle Paul] preached and which is so wonderfully
taught in the Epistle to the Romans was given to him
by revelation. It was
not the product of a logical mind, a system of theology which he had thought
out, or which some one else had taught him. It is revelation. And the proof of
it is the Gospel itself. The mind of man could not have invented or discovered
such a scheme. God Himself had to reveal it. The more a Christian studies this
great Epistle concerning the Gospel of God,
the more he will find out the
truth that all is of God and not of man.
A great thinker called Romans "the
profoundest document which has ever been written." It is that, because it is
of God. And all that comes from Him is as inexhaustible as His Person. The
things revealed in this Gospel of God are deep; no saint has ever sounded the
depths. Yet it is simple at the same time. This is always the mark of divine
revelation, profundity and simplicity.

God reveals man's true condition, destitute of all righteousness, positively and
negatively bad, the whole world guilty before God, Jew and Gentile lost. Upon
that dark background God writes the story of His great Love.
The source and
center of all is the sacrificial work of Christ in which the righteousness
of God is now manifested. no longer condemning the guilty sinner, but
covering every sinner who believes in Jesus. Justification is by faith, and
this faith which trusteth in Jesus is counted for righteousness.

"But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly,
his faith is counted for righteousness" (4:5). And
the resurrection of Jesus
from the dead is also our justification;
the blessed results of all this are
seen in the opening verse of the fifth chapter. Being justified by faith we have
peace with God,
a secure standing in Grace and the hope of the Glory of
The justification of the sinner is the great foundation of the Gospel of
God. Then follows an equally blessed revelation, which is another part of the
Gospel. The justified sinner is constituted a Saint, and as such he needs
deliverance from sin and its power.

Up to chapter 5:11 we learn how God has dealt with our sins and after that
how He has dealt with sin. The believing sinner is no longer in Adam, the first
but in Christ, the second man. What we have by nature through Adam
and what we receive through Grace in being in Christ (by the new birth), this
most wonderful contrast, is the subject in chapter 5:12-21. God therefore does
no longer behold the believer as in Adam,
but he sees him in Christ; the old
man has been put to death in the death of Christ "that the body of sin might be
annulled that henceforth we should not serve sin." God looks upon the
believer as being dead with Christ to sin. He is therefore no longer to live in
sin. The assurance is given "sin shall not have dominion over you." And faith
is to act upon it as being dead to sin and alive unto God (6:11-13).

In the seventh chapter the question of the law is raised and the Gospel of God
declares that the
justified believer, in Christ, dead with Him and delivered
from the sin principle is also dead to the law.
The eighth chapter leads us
into the full place of deliverance. What was impossible to the law, to produce
the righteous requirements of the law,
is made possible by the law of the
Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. The Spirit of God and His work in the
believer is now revealed as a part of the Gospel. Furthermore the believer
saved by Grace is a child of God and an heir of God.
Glory is his eternal
destiny and nothing can separate him from the love of God which is in Christ
Jesus our Lord. Then follow three chapters which deal with dispensational
matters, Israel's fall and coming restoration to the place of blessing as His
earthly people. The final chapters contain exhortations
to walk in the power
of this blessed Gospel.

If we are asked what portion of the New Testament should a Christian study
the most, we answer always, unhesitatingly, the Epistle to the Romans. Dr.
Martin Luther found his great message and deliverance in this Epistle. No
better testimony about this Epistle could be given than his. He said,

"It is the true masterpiece of the New Testament, and the very purest Gospel,
which is well worth and deserving that a Christian man should not only
learn it by heart, word for word, but also that he should daily deal with it as
the daily bread of men's souls. For it can never be too much or too well read
or studied; and the more it is handled the more precious it becomes, and the
better it tastes."

No Christian can enjoy the Gospel and know true deliverance unless he
knows the precious arguments of the first eight chapters of this Epistle.
It is the great need at the present time. So many professing Christians are
ignorant of what redemption is and what it includes. Many have but a
hazy view of justification and have little or no knowledge of a settled
peace with God and lack the assurance of salvation. They are constantly
striving to be something and to attain something, which God in infinite
grace has already supplied in the Gospel of His Son.
And the ignorance
about deliverance from the power of indwelling sin! Most Christians live
constantly in the experience of the wretched man in chapter 7:15-24.

The teaching of the Gospel of God according to Romans is therefore of the
greatest importance. It brings assurance and peace; its teachings lead the
believer into a
life of victory. So many sincere, but untaught believers
become ensnared in all kinds of strange doctrines, taught by different cults,
because they are deplorably ignorant of the salvation of God.

Luther was right,
"it can never be too much or too well read or studied."
Even if we have grasped the great doctrines of salvation as revealed in this
Epistle it is needful that we
go over them again and again. And it must be
done with prayer.
There are many Christians who hold the correct doctrines
concerning justification and sanctification as made known in Romans,
they lack the power of these truths in their lives.

Nor must we forget that these blessed truths are increasingly denied as well as
perverted in our days. We must therefore keep in constant touch with them,
lest they slip away from us and we
lose the reality and power of the blessed
Gospel in our lives.

Intro into the Epistle To The Romans
The Annotated Bible, By A.C. Gaebelein


Related Reading:
Living By Faith - by C.H. Mackintosh
The Grounds Of Grace - By William Kelly
Law And Grace - By C I Scofield
A Religion of Four Letters
The Work Of Christ - The Only Resting Place
In Christ Jesus - By F.W. Grant
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