There seems to be a growing trend in the "christian" community to produce
movies about the tribulation but are these films doing more harm than good?
Let's take a good look at these films and the actors that are starring in these
films. First of all, these movies claim to base their scripts on the Bible.
However, the Bible does not give us names and characters and is not specific
on how each detail will be performed.

These movies set the viewers minds or a better word would be to say that they
condition the viewers into thinking and believing that the scenario will be
portrayed just that way. Hollywood has been doing this for years with movies
about the antichrist and giving him a face and an identity.

Now ask yourself this question... would the devil want to make movies about
the antichrist? The danger in making these kind of films is that when the
antichrist really does come on the scene, he most likely will be the opposite of
how these movies portray him to be. The world will be deceived.  The devil is
subtle. He is not going to place a hitler type into the antichrist role but rather
a person that the whole world will trust-- a humanitarian, a man who appears
humble, a peacemaker.

Remember that the devil comes as an angel of light. The antichrist will be a
man that the whole world will trust in the beginning-- even the religious
world. So to make movies about the tribulation BEFORE it has happened is
VERY DANGEROUS because we don't know exactly HOW all those things
written in Revelation will take place. To place ideas and even faces into the
viewer's minds BEFORE IT TAKES PLACE is very dangerous. They are
toying with things that will really happen IN THE FUTURE.

The Bible says they will happen and to give the antichrist a face and
precondition the viewers BEFORE this has happened is very dangerous--
especially if those events will NOT even happen the way the movie depicts
that they will. It is devilish propaganda and more people will be deceived
because when the REAL antichrist comes onto the stage, they will not
recognize him because they will be expecting the antichrist to be someone else.

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Tribulation Movies ... Good or Bad?
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