"Every Thought"
2 Corinthians 10:5
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against
the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the
obedience of Christ"
(2 Corinthians 10:5).

This is one of the activities of faith and never before is it so needful to
practice this divine injunction than now.
Obedience in every thought is
as much demanded as obedience of actions.
The word, "imaginations"
means "reasonings" Our reasonings, independent of the Word of God are
opposed to God and His will, and therefore never consistent with a true
subjection of the heart and mind to God.
A free thinking saint is a
contradiction in terms,
as one has said, for it is by the truth of God that
we are sanctified. Mary, at the feet of our Lord had brought there every
thought to the obedience of Christ. This must be our place and as we
occupy this place and yield this obedience by bringing every thought into
captivity, we are in a safe position.

Whatever elevates itself against the knowledge of God is a dangerous
The exaltation against the knowledge of God is one of the
characteristics of our perilous times. Under these high things, which exalt
themselves, must be included a host of those original ideas "new and
suggestive thoughts" of which our times are so fruitful, and which when
heedlessly accepted and allowed apart from the controlling sanction of the
so often tickle men's religious fancies, and for a while may even
undermine the faith of God's elect.

~Taken from Our Hope Magazine, March 1919.

©2008 Cobblestone Road Ministries
All Rights Reserved


Further Reading:
Unscriptural "jesus" pictures and female angels, cherubs, etc.
Believers "Made In" Christ Jesus
Sitting At Jesus' Feet - Mary vs. Martha
Are You A Rocking Horse Christian?
The Bible Cure For Fear and Anxiety
Have I Pleased God Today?
The Importance of Daily Living
Christ-Likeness By J. Vernon McGee
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