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In the appointed mountain in Galilee, according to the Gospel of
Matthew, the Lord Jesus met His eleven disciples once more. At that
time He assured them of two great and most blessed facts. The first one
"All power is given to Me in heaven and in earth," the second, "Lo, I
am with you alway, unto the end of the age."
Significantly nothing is said
at the close of Matthew's Gospel about His Ascension. One reason is
because this is the Gospel of the King, who will yet reign on and over the
earth. But the comfort of His precious statements as given above does
not only belong to the remnant of His earthly, Jewish people, but it
belongs to all His own; it belongs to us.

Well may we remember these words in the beginning of another year.
The age is rapidly drawing to its close. The signs of it are about us in
every direction. The long predicted apostasy is in full swing. The god of
this age, satan, blinds the eyes of those who believe not. Satan is about,
in many ways, transformed into an angel of light and his ministers are
transformed likewise as ministers of righteousness. (2 Cor 11:14-15)

False prophets are everywhere and deceive many; iniquity abounds.
There is distress of hearts, failing them for fear (Luke 21:25, 26). The
latter times-- with the manifestation of demon powers and the seducing
spirits are here; the perilous times with all their moral characteristics (2
Tim 3:1-5); the days in which sound doctrine is not endured-- when men
turn from the Truth to fables; and the Master, who bought them is
denied. Such are the days with which another year begins.

For the true children of God the way becomes more difficult. If satan
hates Jesus Christ, he also hates those who belong to Christ. Therefore
the conflict becomes hotter and the whole armor of God is needed to
stand against the wiles of the devil. Perplexities, difficulties and suffering
increase among God's people. But how blessed in such a day to
remember Christ's words spoken on the Galilean mountain! He whom
we serve has all power. That power is on the side of His people. It is an
undiminished power; it cannot be affected by conditions on earth. He
displays that power in infinite wisdom of the food of His people and for
His own glory. We know, "He does all things well," and that He never
fails to sustain and keep. As the days become more evil we can expect
more and more from Himself, in guidance and in constant increase of all
we need.

And we know that the Lord Jesus, who has said,
"Lo, I am with you
alway, unto the end of the age,"
is with us. It is not the first time that He
assured His trusting people of His presence with them. He spoke to
Joshua as He still speaks to us,
"I will be with thee; I will not fail thee,
nor forsake thee."
Thus He comforted His Saints of old, the men of
God, the prophets, the priests and kings. This is our highest comfort as
we enter into a new year, the Lord is with us. He is on our side, because
we belong to Him.

Whatever this year may bring forth, we can rest assured in His love, that
it will all be good; he will be alongside of us in every trial, in every test,
in every sorrow and grief.  Let us cling closer to Him. This is our need.
And when the age ends down here for His redeemed ones and He comes
to take us home, then we shall forever be with Him, who was and is
forever with His own. Oh, the glorious goal! Never ending fellowship in
never ending glory with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  

~ Our Hope Magazine, January 1922.
Modified for the web by Cobblestone Road Ministries.
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